Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Doves Beauty Campaign Essay - 1174 Words

Hollis Hitchens Mr. Saye English 102 10 March 2011 The Dictionary defines the word Beauty as â€Å"A beautiful person, especially a woman.† Nowhere in that definition does it suggest the woman is a size 0 with big breasts, flawless skin and high cheekbones. This is the message Dove is trying to send by creating â€Å"Dove’s Campaign for Real Beauty†, to make women of all shapes, sizes, and color feel beautiful everyday. However, shortly after Dove released their first campaign, media columnists such as Richard Roeper and Lucio Guerrero were quick to reflect their â€Å"professional† opinions. After reviewing Jennifer L. Pozner’s article on Dove’s â€Å"Real Beauty† Backlash and the naà ¯ve comments these active media members have made, I found through†¦show more content†¦If that makes me sound superficial, shallow and sexist†¦well yes, I’m a man.† (Pozner, 215). Pozner also focuses on Lucio Guerrero’s comments such as â€Å"These disturbing and frightening women should put some clothes on (please, really) because ads should be about the beautiful people. They should include the unrealistic, the ideal or the unattainable look for which so many people strive. Besides, the only time I want to see a thigh that big is in a bucket with crumbs on it.† (Pozner, 216). Not only was Dove’s new campaign ridiculed for the voluptuous women they had focused their attention on, they were also being targeted for health concerns. Pozner addresses Bill Zwecker, the balding, paunchy, middle-aged anchor of CBSs local newscast in Chicago, weighed in on his CBS blog, At the risk of sounding politically incorrect, In this day and age, when we are facing a huge obesity problem in this country, we dont need to encourage anyone -- women OR men -- to think its okay to be out of shape. (Pozner, 216). Pozner believes this statement would be more believable if the women on the billboard were unhealthily obese. However, the women in the advertisement were actually smaller than the average sized American woman. In a case study by Olivia Falcione and Laura Henderson, Dove collected data from 3,200 women from 10 different countries. â€Å"Only two percent of women around theShow MoreRelatedDoves Campaign for Real Beauty Case Study3100 Words   |  13 Pagesproduct line is to increase market share, develop a strong marketing campaign, retain functional strengths of the brand, maintain the image of the â€Å"Real Beauty† campaign, and staying ahead of competition. Due to the highly competitive industry, marketing communication is critical to ensure campaign momentum. Kerstin must decide how to keep the drive of the initial campaign going. This will be achieved by introducing a new campaign. 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The key objectives and goals of the Dove product line is to increase market share, develop a strong marketing campaign, retain functional strengths of the brand, maintain the image of the â€Å"Real Beauty† campaign, and stay ahead of the competition. Due to the highly competitive industry, marketing communication is critical to ensure campaign momentum. Kerstin must decide how to keep the drive of the initial campaign going. This report outlinesRead MoreDigital Marketing And Social Media Project : Dove2535 Words   |  11 Pages DIGITAL MARKETING AND SOCIAL MEDIA PROJECT: DOVE ANALYZING REAL BEAUTY SKETCHES CAMPAIGN Nicolle Kayse Ferreira e Araujo Student Number: M00508064 Tutors Name: Jeffrey Pocock Final Word Count: 1147 words ABSTRACT This report is about how social media was important to transform Real Beauty Sketches Campaign into one of the most popular commercials of 2013. 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The â€Å"real beauty† campaign began from one company: Dove. In 2004, Dove launched a new form of advertising that â€Å"would have a positive effect on women’s self-appraisals, and generally make women feel good about themselves.† (good bad ugly dove campaign). Dove carriedRead MoreThe Effects Of Social Media On Society1929 Words   |  8 Pagesmanager after getting my degree in business marketing. Advertising managers create interest among potential buyers of a product or service for a department, for an entire organization, or on a project basis. They must plan advertising and promotional campaigns and decide which media to advertise in, such as, radio, television, print, online media, and billboards. Advertisements and forms of social media have a huge affect on people, because it is mainly all that we see. Now these advertis ements are meantRead MoreDove Marketing Analysis1348 Words   |  6 PagesDove Case Analysis 1. Imagine you have oversight of the Dove Campaign for Real Beauty. Are you comfortable with what is going on? Is this a brand that is out of control with its promotional messages? Dove released its first advertising on 1957, in which Dove called its product as cleaning cream instead of soap. After that, Dove launched some advertising to emphasized on its functional feature. In 2000, Dove became a Masterbrand of Unilever. In other words, it had to establish a meaningRead MoreThe Media Sphere, There Exist Producers And Their Audience1426 Words   |  6 Pagesencoding/decoding model can be applied to Dove’s polarizing #ChooseBeautiful campaign. It will ultimately show how the relationship between producers and audiences in determining meaning of a media text is volatile and dynamic due to the tension created by producers’ inherent proclivity to control their audience by imposing cultural hegemonies upon them, and the audience’s innate tendency to play an active role in decoding media texts. Producers of Dove’s #ChooseBeautiful campaign aimed to empower women by encouragingRead MoreDove Case Analysis1102 Words   |  5 Pagesworldwide establishment †¢ Unconventional marketing strategy †¢ Word of mouth and Word of Mouse free publicity †¢ Campaign has a strong emotional touch †¢ Social responsibility- Dove established self esteem fund, which conducted self esteem workshops along with Girl Scouts to improve the self esteem of girls †¢ Dove’s brand loyalty †¢ Best known for functional superiority, i.e. beauty bar which does not dry the skin †¢ Changing perceptions of people is difficult Opportunities: Threats: †¢ Huge opportunity

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